This blogpost is (mostly) written during the flight from Amsterdam to Mexico.
The three weeks we spent at the Fredskorpset preparatory course at Hotel Hadeland was three very interesting weeks. I’ve laughed, played, made new friends and learned a lot about myself and others. The best lecture for me was without a doubt the two days we were working on personal challenges, with Peter Harris and Berit Eik from wolf&water. I really enjoyed their positive attitude and the way they did their things. Other than that Sara Henkmans’ thoughts regarding peacebuilding was interesting and Pellegrino Riccardis’ lecture on cultural differences was really good (mostly thanks to Pellegrinos amazing abillity to hold on to the crowds attention: even in a room of 60+ tired and hungover people the guy managed to make the hours fly simply by standing in the middle of the room and talking!). Also the day on physical health was quite informative. One of the days we had some hours with “Open space”, where we simply put sat in groups discussing different themes we came up with, it was a good way to get new ideas and challenge ones own opinions. Besides the lectures it was a really interesting experience to live three weeks with so many great people from different parts of the world. If the world consisted of such openminded, happy and loveable people it would be a totally different place indeed.
Høyrest ut som du har hatt ein bra opplevelse/opplæring!:) Eg må sei at fredskorpskurs friste! Kan gamlingar bli fredskorpserar? Steinar og meg om 20 år? (når alle de små har flytta ut, he, he)
Det kan du nok heilt sikkert, ellers kan du jo ta med smatassane 😉
Jepp, FK-senior =)
EG OG VIL!!!!!! Får sjå om eg kan lura Atle te å ta ein FK-jobb, så eg kan vera med 😉
Kos deg fantastisk masse, Øystein! Eg har nedtelling te me ska på besøk =)
Jaaa! dei har jo FK-senior 😉
Eg òg vil!!! trur eg må sjå om eg ikkje kan få lurt Atle te å ta ein FK-jobb nå snart, så eg kan vera med
Håpa du får det vidunderleg, Øystein! Det E utruleg mange fantastiske menneske i verda og sjølsagt ein del frustrasjonsobjekt 😉
oj! nå blei det visst to mesten like kommentarar her… forstår ikkje heilt detta, eg….. jaja…